02-08-2013 Bart on the tiger mosquito in Dutch talkshow

Due to outbreaks of tiger mosquitoes (Aedes albopictus) at various places in the Netherlands, Bart was asked to appear on the Dutch talk show “Knevel en van de Brink”. http://www.eo.nl//tv/knevelenvandenbrink/artikel-detail/bart-knols-1/ He was able to explain how...
19-02-2013 In2Care introduces the In2Care® Mosquito Trap

19-02-2013 In2Care introduces the In2Care® Mosquito Trap

A revolutionary breakthrough to combat dengue fever mosquitoes without using insecticides Wageningen, The Netherlands —February 19, 2013— In2Care today announces the launch of the In2Care® Mosquito Trap, a revolutionary concept to combat dengue mosquitoes without...