How Eave Tubes work

It is known that traditional open eaves of African style house serve as important mosquito house entry points because the outward funneled odours attract night-active anophelines. Eaves are thus a suitable location for intercepting host-seeking malaria mosquitoes. Eave Tubes are placed at that height, where they block mosquitoes from entering the house and effectively kill them with special insecticide-laced netting.
In2Care Eave Tubes comprise wall tubes removable gauze inserts that are placed in the wall under the roof of houses where they attract malaria mosquitoes at night, block them from entering the house, and contaminate them with a lethal dose of insecticide. The mode of action of Eave Tubes is explained in more detail in our animation video on the right.

Eave tube netting uses In2Care’s patented innovative electrostatic coating technology to bind insecticides and transfer high doses to mosquitoes that make contact with the gauze. We showed that this is very effective against all mosquito species, even the ones that have become highly resistant to chemical insecticides. Eave tubes can therefore provide a resistance breaking tool against malaria vectors.
