Ficha de produto
Brochura detalhada sobre o funcionamento da armadilha
Hospitality Flyer
Short promotion of Trap benefits for hotels, restaurants, etc.
Residents Flyer
Short promotion of Trap benefits for residents
Door Hanger
Customizable template for doorhanger (door-to-door marketing)
Manual do usuário
Manual baseado em desenho sobre como instalar armadilhas
Perguntas frequentes
Perguntas-chave dos proprietários & respostas para PMP’s
Procedimento serviço
Instruções detalhadas de implantação
Troubleshoot questions and explanations
Trial Protocol
incl customer survey. Instructions for a 20-Trap test
Dicas de aplicação
Dicas e truques de aplicativos para o uso da armadilha
Florida Field Trial
Publication in JAMCA of a field trial comparing In2Care with IVM in Florida.
Electrostatic Coating
Publication in PNAS on the resistance breaking properties of the electrostatic coating
EPA field trial results
Publication in JAMCA of the EPA field efficacy study performed by Manatee County
Malaysia field trial
Publication in Ent. Research on a pilot field trial in high-rise buildings in Malaysia
Laos Field Trial
Publication in PlosOne by Institute Pasteur showing efficacy on Aedes mosquitoes
Lab Results
Publication in Parasites and Vectors of the first laboratory results of the In2Care Trap
USA field trial results
Publication in JAMCA of the WVMVCD showing efficacy on Aedes and Culex mosquitoes